Dr. Tom Sweeney

Dr. Tom Sweeney (D.Min., M.Ed., M.A., M.Sc., M.T.S.)

Tom Sweeney is an enthusiastic mentor-professor with experience in both traditional theological education (both in-person and online) and Competency-Based Education (with Western Governors University and Sioux Falls Seminary). He presented at the CBTE2020 conference on how to assess knowledge, skill, and character competencies. Much of his ministry has been bivocational, as a pastor, missionary, or seminary instructor on one hand and a software developer and project manager on the other.

As a generalist, Tom has guided students across the entire theological curriculum on two continents. However, he is most passionate about spiritual formation, discipleship, integration of faith and secular work, church history, leadership, and the Psalms. His research has included how to introduce conservative Evangelicals to the Dark Night of the Soul, designing a curriculum for teaching how to listen to God in times of choice and measuring its impact on the lives of the participants, and exploring how the English Puritans approached spiritual warfare.