3 Steps to Register for Courses

There are three steps for registering for a course. Fill out this registration form each time you register for a course. If you are auditing a course (a term of non-graded access to a course), please register on the Non-graded Registration Page.


1. Pay for the course. (This includes both the course tuition and content services fee.) Don’t submit a payment (skip this step) if you have prepaid some portion of the course or if the course is provided through another means like your church paying for your course.


Single Payment Option
Tuition & Fees

Two Payment Option
(2 month plan)
Tuition & Fees

The two-payment option works by immediately charging your card for half of the course tuition. The second half of the tuition payment is automatically charged one month later.


2. Fill out this online course registration form.


3. The registrar then provides access to the course materials and confirms your registration. Prior to your mentoring term, your mentor will contact you to coordinate an introduction meeting and schedule a time for your mentoring sessions a couple of weeks before the term begins.


Definition: “Next Available Term”

Consult the Academic Calendar for when the next term begins. Dates in red indicate the last week available to register for mentoring for the upcoming term. If you are in the final mentoring week for a term (the week after the red dates, week 7 of a term) you can't register for mentoring for the upcoming term. In that case, you are selecting from among terms that follow the next registration deadline week.

Example #1: During week 2 of Spring Term 1 you register for NT511. Your choice determines whether you want to be mentored in Spring Term 2 or Summer Term 1 (the next two terms).

Example #2: During week 7 of Spring Term 1 you register for NT511. Your choice determines whether you want to be mentored in Summer Term 1 or Summer Term 2 (the two terms after Spring Term 2 since the registration deadline has passed for that term).

Starting & Getting More Time

When you register for a course, you first get the course content services for that course. This includes guided lessons in Moodle, your course portfolio (workbook) to complete, video lectures, and digital library resources. You can start working through your course material and assignments right away.

Within a mentoring term, your mentor grades one unit (in your portfolio) each week. Some people like to work through the course material as they are mentored. Others delay their mentoring to have extra time to work ahead with course material to ensure they will complete everything within the short mentoring term. For this reason, two options exist for selecting how much time you want to have with the course material before your mentoring term begins.

If the time comes for your mentoring and you still need more time you can add an additional term with a minimal extension fee.