Dr. Jason Barker

Dr. Jason Barker (D.Min.)

Dr. Jason Barker is happiest when he is investing in the next generation of pastors, ministers, and Christian leaders. Having served in ministry for twenty years in churches of all sizes, he understands the unique challenges, opportunities, and blessings that leaders can anticipate, and he is passionate about walking alongside those leaders, both as they prepare in the present and as they serve in the future.

Dr. Barker earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of West Florida as well as his MDiv and DMin degrees from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, specializing in Leadership and Church Administration. His project in ministry focused on equipping pastors to lead volunteers effectively, a subject that is still near and dear to his heart.

He considers teaching a true blessing and has been honored to serve as an adjunct faculty member at Gateway Seminary, Crafton Hills College, Colorado Christan University, and Reformation Seminary in the areas of religious studies, nonprofit financial management, volunteer programming, education and family ministries, church history, discipleship, and church leadership and administration.The intersection between reformed theology and leadership, pastoral, and practical ministry remain some of his primary areas of interest.

Dr. Barker is married to his wife, Ruthie. They have four young children and live in Southern California.