Dr. Travis Meadows

Travis Meadows (D.Min., M.Div., M.A.)

Dr. Meadows currently resides in the suburbs of Phoenix, AZ, and lives with his wife and three daughters. He has a Doctor in Ministry from Liberty University in Spiritual Formation. His work and research focused on digital spiritual formation and the intersections of how the church can grow spiritually in both digital landscapes and traditional in-person gatherings. In addition, he has a Masters in Divinity from Liberty, a Master of Arts in theology from Grand Canyon University, and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministry from Vanguard University.  

Travis’ ministry experience dates back to when he was a young adult. Starting in high school, he led his youth group and led Bible studies and prayer groups on his high school campus. During his college years, he eventually became a youth pastor, filling in a vacancy at his home church, and later became the young adult and college career pastor. Throughout his ministry experience, he has served as an associate pastor, outreach pastor, and executive pastor of a small church. Much of his ministry career has been in church planting. Therefore his ministry experience has been bi-vocational; and for the last seventeen years, Travis has been employed as a state government employee in public safety. 

Travis first started teaching when he was a young adult in his church and taught Sunday school each week. Later in his adult life, he gained more experience teaching other pastors and church leaders in a local school of ministry in Arizona specializing in adult education, helping those in ministry become credentialed within his denomination. He began teaching academically in 2016 for Arizona Christian University in both the Criminal Justice Studies and Biblical Studies programs. For ACU, he has taught both traditional ground classes and online classes in the Biblical studies major. Travis is passionate about the local church and equipping the saints to be the body of Christ in both name and action. This includes teaching about the Kingdom of God and how God calls Christians to participate in what He is doing now, not just in the future.