Covering the Evaluation Day for the Institution in Prayer

Help cover the day with prayer

We are excited to invite you to be a part of a powerful and transformative moment in the life of Redemption Seminary. As we strive to continue our mission to provide excellence in distance education and spiritual growth, we are humbled to announce that the day of our accreditation evaluation has arrived. Please consider being part of this important day by scheduling 15 minutes of prayer for the seminary on this day.

Date: Thursday, August 31st
Time: 9:00 AM — 5:30 PM PST
Location: Wherever you are!

On this significant day, a visiting team will evaluate Redemption Seminary's programs, faculty, facilities, and overall commitment to our students' growth and spiritual development. As we prepare to showcase the dedication and excellence that define us, we recognize the importance of seeking the Lord’s blessing, guidance, and support. In light of this, we invite you to join in an organized day of prayer to uplift and cover our institution in prayer during the evaluation day.

How You Can Participate

As part of our statement of faith, we believe in the power of prayer to shape our present and influence our future. Every 15-minute interval throughout the day will allow you to join in a collective prayer for guidance and blessings. Whether you are a student, alumnus, faculty member, staff member, or part of our extended community, your prayers matter.

  1. Open the prayer sign-up list (Google Sheet)

  2. Choose the 15-minute time slot in which you will be praying.

  3. (You are welcome to sign up for more than one.)

  4. Type your name (or initials), city, and state abbreviation in a payer partner cell. (This is so the community can know how the day is covered in prayer and the breadth of the community supporting the seminary.)

  5. Prepare to dedicate your 15 minutes to prayer and reflection on behalf of Redemption Seminary.

During your chosen time slot, we have provided a potential conversation or event that could be occurring during that time. The site visit evaluators alter the schedule as they need, so please pray as the Spirit leads. In addition to these events, consider the following areas for prayer.

Success: Pray that the seminary can clearly show how it has complied with the accreditation standards. If any additional work needs to be done, pray that the visitation team can clearly articulate it so that the seminary can make any necessary adjustments and provide evidence of successful improvement within 30 days.  (We are not aware of any areas where we aren’t in compliance and we hope that the evaluators agree.)

Guidance and Wisdom: Pray that the evaluators wisely and adequately evaluate the seminary. Also, pray that our faculty, staff, leadership, and students present the strengths of Redemption Seminary clearly and confidently.

Peace and Strength: Ask that everyone involved in the evaluation will be healthy, well-rested, and excited (rather than nervous) for the opportunity to reflect and discuss how Redemption is honoring the Lord and achieving its mission by providing quality distance education, helping students grow, positively affecting ministries.

Divine Favor: Seek God's favor as we open our doors to the visiting accreditation team. Pray that their evaluation accurately reflects the passion and commitment that we pour into our seminary.

Impact and Reach: Pray that the impact of Redemption Seminary's teachings ripples out into the world, touching lives with the redeeming grace of Jesus in faith, hope, and love.

Gratitude: Offer gratitude for the journey we've embarked upon, the many blessings that have brought us to this point, and the benefits that students and graduates are already enjoying.

Your participation in this day of prayer is a testament to the strength of our community and our shared belief in the transformative power of Christ-centered faithful education. Let us come together in spirit, no matter where we are physically, to support Redemption Seminary's accreditation evaluation with unwavering faith and trust in God's plan for our institution.

Thank you for being an essential part of this journey. Your prayers hold immeasurable value as we step forward into this crucial moment. May our collective efforts be guided by faith and love, and may our commitment to excellence shine brightly.