Redemption Seminary
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies

Total cost only $13,547

Students only pay for the content and services they use as they work through their program. Redemption Seminary provides a debt-free approach to school. Students can stop or take breaks in their program at any time without any remaining financial obligation.

All required fees and tuition for the MABS program are provided below. All required materials and readings are included in course fees and tuition.

Students first pay an application fee to apply. Once they enroll, they take an onboarding course to train them in the tools they will use within the program.

Students then register and pay for courses as their schedules and budgets allow. Students can even pay for course content (all lectures and resources) and complete the coursework before registering for mentoring to review and grade their work.

Summary of Master of Arts in Biblical Studies Program

Plan Components Units Cost
Application Fee $145
Onboarding Course (RS450) Fee $277
Course Tuition & Fees (10 Courses) $1,298 ea.
Master's Graduation Fee $145
Total Program Cost $13,547
All costs are current rates (subject to annual adjustments).

Biblical Studies Certificate Program

Total cost only $4,361

The certificate program provides a shorter, lower-cost option composed of the first three courses of the master’s program. The course quality and structure are the same, and all credits earned in the certificate program may be counted toward the master’s degree program.

Summary of Certificate in Biblical Studies Program

Plan Components Units Cost
Application Fee $145
Onboarding Course (RS450) Fee $277
Course Tuition & Fees (3 Courses) $1,298 ea.
Graduation Fee $45
Total Program Cost $4,361
All costs are current rates (subject to annual adjustments).

Students who complete the certificate program are not eligible to receive the Redemption custom Logos library as a gift. There are three ways a student can continue to access the Redemption custom Logos library after completing their certificate program.

  1. Students can obtain ownership of the library by continuing on to the Master’s program and graduating.

  2. If a student doesn’t wish to continue but would still like to keep the library they are eligible for special pricing for the package through Redemption Seminary and can contact the administration for specifics.

  3. Graduates can continue to access the library and additional course materials by maintaining their access fee subscription.

Non-Graded Courses

$475 Per Course

If you would like to enjoy the content of the master’s program (lectures, assignments, Logos library) without pursuing a degree or certificate, start taking non-graded courses.

Non-graded courses include full access to lectures, curriculum, and Redemption’s robust theological library. Non-graded courses do not include mentoring from Redemption’s mentor-professors, but provide a course workbook to help structure and preserve a student’s learning.

You still have to apply to the seminary to acknowledge the statement of faith and code of conduct, but you don’t have to submit academic information. The application fee covers the cost of the onboarding course available to all students that teaches best practices for digital research in theology.

How Redemption Provides Education at Such Low Prices

Redemption Seminary is accomplishing its mission to redefine the theological education sector with its innovative model that ensures a quality education at a reasonable price. We creatively consider every aspect of the educational experience to improve learning and spiritual growth more directly and efficiently. For example, we reduce costs by using recorded lectures and investing in personal mentoring. We also reduce expenses by not owning and maintaining a physical campus.

Every process in business carries an administrative cost to deliver. Redemption Seminary continually strives to make every process from applying to graduation simple and straightforward. This keeps its administrative overhead low. Redemption saves money by not having to run a bookstore or follow up with what books students have or don’t have for each class. Redemption Seminary simplifies things by providing everything for every class.

Because Redemption Seminary doesn’t have the obligations of a traditional school, it can offer tuition which is far less than traditional programs and includes far more (e.g., $23,500 software package, personal mentoring, etc.). This means you have the option to continue your education with additional degrees at your discretion.

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